Submitted by crowpotkin in Anarchism (edited )

This July will be the second annual Institute for Advanced Troublemaking (IAT), a weeklong anarchist theory and action summer school for adults of all ages. The school will take place from July 21 to 29, 2018, in Worcester, MA.

For this summer, our intention is to cultivate a stronger understanding and praxis of anarchist organizing among people who have been active in anarchistic spaces and movements – but are looking to deepen their organizing strategies, learn theory, and skills. Our hope is that the anarchist summer school provides generative ground for imagining another world — and sticking with such visions for the long haul.

Deadline to apply is May 1st 2018 Application Link HTTPS://GOO.GL/FORMS/JWQSLZ4JRVVU4CLP2

Anarcha-Feminism, Prefigurative Politics, and Communities of Care (2 sessions) Hillary Lazar

Art and/as Activism (2 Sessions) Kevin Yuen-Kit Lo and Zola

Decolonizing Anarchism (3 sessions) Maia Ramnath

Direct Action Praxis (5 sessions) Anne, Jack, Koala, Shane, Sherrie!

Exploring Accountability, Boundaries, and Consent in Our Lives and Communities (2 sessions) Worcester FUCCRS

Reframing Animal Liberation as an Exercise in Antiracism (1 session) Syl Ko

Scamp School (1 session) Scamp Collective

Social Anarchism and Radical Ecology (2 sessions) Solidarity Societies: The Case of Greece (1 session) Pavlos Stavropoulos

Try Anarchism for Life! (3 sessions) Cindy Milstein

Understanding Repression and Building Resilience (2 sessions) Michael Loadenthal



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sand wrote

google application form? huh