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Whatsthepoint wrote

Find out what happened to the spetznas in Chechnya, you will understand why the spetznas have a bee in their bonnet for jihadis.

Russia went in on the ground. They fought hard.

And keep your guardian links, one of the worst propaganda papers there is.

As for your logic.... we don't need force monopoly ensuring the rule of law... your threats are hypothetical....Isis was created by lawlessness


chameleon wrote

And keep your guardian links, one of the worst propaganda papers there is.

"Anything I disagree with is propaganda now" could you make your Trumpism any more obvious


Whatsthepoint wrote

I used to think it was a legitimate source, but read an in depth article long ago about something relating to international affairs that I had intimate knowledge of... it was amazing how they twisted the facts and the narrative into a pro-west point of view. Leaving out several key details and obvious things.