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subrosa wrote

Marxism shares a troubling tendency with its ideological offshoot primitivism


kin wrote

Imagine thinking primitivism or anticiv is an Marxist offshoot while clinging into industrialism and tech to solve all their problems. Deus Ex Machina as Ideology


subrosa wrote

Right? I wanna be fair, Zerzan has read his Camatte and Marcuse, and the accusation of primitivism sharing a troubling tendency with Marxism may yield us some insights. But about as much is true for Gillis' love for technology, and for that we don't have to claim it's an ideological offshoot.


black_badger wrote

instead of the heebie jeebies we get the Willie Gillies


subrosa wrote

While all these may provide cheap energy, the only safe way to reverse global warming at this point is with carbon-negative technologies that leave behind solid carbon as a byproduct.


ChaosAnarchy wrote

Anarchism was always about liberating the mind, not the soul


kin wrote

Tell me you are into fetishizing metaphysics without saying that you are into fetishizing metaphysics