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veuzi wrote

Well I don't agree it is authoritarian.

Authority is the right to command. If a democratic decision imposes the collective's right to command, it is authoritarian. Words have meanings.

At least it is better than individuals viewing themselves as aristocrats above democracy.

I don't care.

And the question remains: what is the alternative way of making decisions concerning a collective?

Talking about it. Maybe a decision is made, maybe not. I don't care.


PragmaticPaul OP wrote

"I don't care"

Now that's a serious way of challenging state and capitalism. Loads of people will join an anarchist movement.


veuzi wrote (edited )

I don't care if you think democracy is better than whatever "aristocrats viewing themselves above it" means. I don't know any aristocrats and if I did, I'd steal their shit.

I don't care about prescribing a clear-cut alternative or one-size-fits-all solution in a context where everything is possible and any proposal you make will invite an infinity of further questions. "Yeah, but have you thought about this extremely specific hypothetical scenario? Checkmate". That's what you're gonna get if you start prescribing answers to "how does anarchy work". So I don't care. Anarchy is not a utopia and it is not an end goal. It is something you do right now, a way of relating to other individuals and society, and undermining the various archies we are forced to exist under.

Loads of people will join an anarchist movement.

Guess what, I don't care if people join the anarchist 'movement' or not.


PragmaticPaul OP wrote

"Guess what, I don't care if people join the anarchist 'movement' or not."

You don't want to achieve a post-capitalist anarchy?


veuzi wrote

Anarchist revolution isn't going to happen. If capitalism falls, it will collapse by its own mechanics. Praxis and direct action is still worth doing for its own sake.

Welcome to the wonderful world of anarcho-nihilism.


PragmaticPaul OP wrote

"Welcome to the wonderful world of anarcho-nihilism."

Sounds like a squat for drug addicts and alcoholics


veuzi wrote

Drug addicts and alcoholics are always welcome in my squat. Unlike you, I don't judge people for their choice of substances.