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SnowCode wrote

I never really joined groups, but I've heard about shit like this happening and am personally very anti-psychiatric. I know this anarchists sending others into psych wards happened to one of my friend. And I know a few others that have been forced into psych wards by other means.

But at the same time, my mom have been in psychiatry but she has a totally different story than all others I've heard, she had a very positive experience with meds and the people there. She said she could just walk out at any moment if she wanted but she wouldn't because she was feeling good there.

So I guess I am against any forced psychiatry, any forced treatment what so ever actually.


Gardon00765 wrote

Any person that tries to get another forcibly committed for any reason should have their jaw broken and made sure they arent given that opportunity. Fuck pretending they care at all and fuck giving chances to trash snitches. The moment a pig brings up the idea a sending one a us to a ward they'd get beat and abandoned. Violence begets violence


fortmis wrote

Can you elaborate on what's exactly happening in these situations where anarchists are "sending comrades to phsych-wards" ? I'm curious, since I've never experienced this among people I know.

I know people who have been "sent to psych wards" but not by peers or friends.


[deleted] wrote


fortmis wrote

And the people doing this are under the impression that they're helping? Or is it done with the conscious intention to remove a "weak link" or "disagreeable person" ?


[deleted] wrote


fortmis wrote

Ya for sure, everything here goes without saying.
It seems the tricky thing in this situation is that's it's possible someone is in need of the kind of help that their peers can't provide and the only solution people see to that is to trick them into an ambulance. There are many alternatives. None of them are necessarily easy, but they involve more honesty and respect I'd say, and I imagine a lot of these alternative solutions would start with a loving, compassionate, honest conversation.
I wonder how many of the people you speak of, who are sending their comrades to psych wards, just haven't bothered to think of an alternative.


[deleted] wrote


fortmis wrote

Honestly this crew does not sound worth it at alllll. I would just ditch... That is some messed up shit. They can't call themselves anarchists, pulling that kind of shit.


Fool wrote (edited )

I can say that I have mixed feelings, I possibly would not have made my way here if not for psychiatry, diagnosing neuro-atypical traits.

So it's like most things, it's good if done in a good way. I've met some really good people working in mental health, that are very much on the side that you can't treat people that don't want to be treated.

History of the field is really bad, but I think there is good elements out there, stemming from Mad Pride and Neurodiverse perspectives.

Edit: fixed typo that ran counter to what I meant to say.


[deleted] wrote (edited )


Fool wrote

Overall my position of the positive aspects of psychiatry is far enough removed from psychiatry to be really be considered psychiatry, and as such should fall under anti-psychiatry, more just structured recreational/performance enhancing drug use.

My experience has been good, but I basically knew what I wanted to get from them, and the drug happened to work in a way that I like (I take stimulants). I know that is not the norm.


[deleted] wrote (edited )


Fool wrote (edited )

Yes, following your first response, I reconsidered my position, but I guess did not convey the change in my reckoning.

Edit: I just noticed a typo in my initial response. I meant to say "can't treat people that don't want treatment"... Ugh, sorry, fuck that shit.


[deleted] wrote


Majrelende wrote

There should be a little "edit" button at the bottom of your post--you can use that.


roanoke9 wrote

I can't speak to what happens first hand because I don't join groups. Your anecdote is one of my ongoing reasons for this. The divide between sane and insane and the arbitrator of that distinction is very far from anarchy to me. I' m not going to write a thesis but I for one am in the anti-psychiatry camp. If cops are the thugs that guard the property of the state, psychiatrists are the commissars that police mindcrime for hierarchical society. Abolish prisons includes involuntary psychiatric inpatients too. As to why no consistency among anarchists? Same reason that they aren't consistently anti-civ. Deconditioning is hard, and the layers of conditioning are not always removed completely. I'm working on some art/writing projects that will prominently address sanism (without which psychiatry would cease to exist as an institution) but they'll be anonymous.


[deleted] wrote


roanoke9 wrote (edited )

To clarify: I am open to associations on case by case, and even working with established groups here and there, but joining is not for me. And yeah, psychiatrists are not far from cops in my estimation, but they get a pass from people who haven't looked into the history, have a soft spot for this hierarchy of sane over insane or simply had a good experience in their own estimation and generalized it to all others. I would add too, that I have one limited and context specific use for the weakest link trope and that is the individual who is soft on hierarchy. This doesn't come with any consequence other than how far I can trust a person. If someone is soft on a certain hierarchy, they will likely as not side with that hierarchy over me if it came to a decision and I seek to avoid being involuntarilly committed, being snitched on, etc.


[deleted] wrote


roanoke9 wrote (edited )

Yeah, that is a tough spot to be in. The difficulty is that both asylums and prisons are bad answers to real problems (answers that solve nothing and cause additional harm) My personal take would be they both are liable to use hierarchy as a means to an end (the end being I guess, eliminating a threat?) And I would remove myself from both parties, keep them at a bit of distance and watch what I say around them. It goes back to my avoidance of groups, because if I must treat everyone like they are wearing a wire, how is that different from just going to work and playing the game. I would be asking myself, what am I even doing here, if my choices are someone who will use cops to get what they want or someone who will use psychiatrists. And somewhere along the way, some heroin distribution. This seems like a clusterfuck of bad ideas and no means ends unity in sight.


Ensemble wrote

Fuck psychiatry. Shit is literally taking your unique traits, "diagnosing" them as problems because they deviate from a norm, and then force feeding pills to make you assimilate. yeah, Fuck psychiatry through and through. Bodily autonomy all the way.