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[deleted] wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by yourhonor in by !deleted38805


yrhonor wrote

'I don't have time to go back and find the stuff to prove it to you' is internet speak for 'i can not answer your question so i'll just pretend to be busy and hide.'

Yes, I've read the 325 piece. We've all read it. It's four years old now. You're very late to the party, Brit dude.

There is nothing to confirm anything L at 325 wrote in any of the other pieces you've linked. Obviously John H Richardson of the New York Magazine didn't doxx anyone. He knows the serious legal consequences of doxing people when you're a public figure. Likewise, Aragorn! and Bellamy didn't dox anyone either. Ever. That's not their style, as anyone who'd ever listened to their podcast would know.

So you've literally got one source, not 'enough sources, confirmations and witness descriptions.'