Submitted by ziq in Anarchism (edited )

I think it's a bummer that people think the only alternative is being a "crustie." I want to help build networks of mutual aid between radical nomads. Everyone should be able to travel. It shouldn't just be this thing we do for a year or two after college, but a regular part of our lives. If we built communes in urban centers we won't have to stress so much about covering the rent, we could work less and travel freely between them. If we build radical cooperative economies we won't have to piss in a cup to get a job or worry about "gaps in our resume" from having fulfilling life experiences. If we build guerrilla gardens and food forests we can spend less time working for food

It's not about some puritanical caricature of "lifestylism", it's about building tangible networks of autonomy from capitalism and the state. I'm more interested and feel much more energized and passionate about creating those tangible networks of solidarity than I do about LARPing the spanish civil war.



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ziq OP wrote

pay attention zoe baker