Submitted by SnowCode in Anarchism (edited )

This post was copied from my gemini capsule: post on my capsule, web proxy

What the heck is this? Honestly. I don't believe such a thing exist at all, the marketplace of ideas is nowhere.

According to this concept, the best ideas will result as the most popular after debates. In my opinion this concept is flawed on many levels

  • What does "the best idea" means? An idea is good to different people at different time at different places. There are no "universal good ideas", everything is relative to the person you're talking to.
  • When? When is the "competition between ideas" over? When do you consider an idea to be finally good? Ideas like segregation were widespread for a long time in history of western civilizations, does that mean they were good?
  • How do they compete? Debates of political ideas are often just people trying to turn their "opponent" as ridicule. I don't think this makes any idea better at all.

I really don't understand this thing, things are evolving, but it's not linear, there are no "good ideas" there are just good ideas to different people at different places and different times.

How can you debate an idea when you don't even have the same background, goals and method as the other people? I don't think it's possible, it's like trying to find the most direct route to a destination, without even having the same destination and starting point.

Some people say everything is in the "marketplace of ideas". I don't think so, this capsule certainly isn't, me neither. I don't try to convince anyone of anything. I just do the things that I think are good. My motto is that only actions matters, what you do, in the real world in the present moment is only what matters. Your debates and opinions don't have any importance if they are not followed by practical actions. I want to be as free as I can, while helping others to be free as well. It's my guide and it's also what anarchy means to me.

As I've said in a precedent post about "mass revolution" and why it's not going to happen:

Stop waiting for the revolution

Only the process matters, not the destination. I don't know how "anarchy" would look like. I don't believe we can imagine it because IF it happens at large scale:

  • It's certainly not going to be in my lifetime
  • People will have changed and we cannot predict it

Therefore we cannot know what the future will be and it doesn't even matter.

I don't know if this text makes any sense, I don't write stuff like that often, usually I just write tutorials about random shit.



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Fool wrote

We sell our surplus / unwanted ideas at the market, might as well see if someone wants it, and not clog up the house.

Too many ideas lying around, and you start tripping over them.


tuesday wrote

when i was in school we took a field trip to the trading floor for the idea marketplace. it was pretty boring. turns out that people tend to like their own ideas and don't want to trade them.


Cranko wrote

The marketplace of ideas is the place where lobbyists go to pay for their ideology to be represented