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Passive_Nihlist OP wrote

Your logic is that of criminality. You ask me to confess, I have neither sinned nor committed a crime, or at least not this sin, nor this crime. But I am an anarchist, which is to say a criminal and a sinner. I do not think you are employed by the state, but you have a cop in your mind, and a priest in your heart.

Perhaps what I have to say now will be the most proactive of all. I do not blame you for being a cop or a priest. As I have said I understand your position all to well. But I beg of you to reexamine it. But that is the extent of my sympathy.


APA wrote

The depth to your LARPing would be hilarious if not for the pedophilia


Passive_Nihlist OP wrote

You disregard everything I have to say. You are an ideologue unable to see beyond the empty words you preach. If I could have sympathy for your obsession with justice, it ends with this ideological worship of it.

I beg you tell me, what will come of your holy crusade? Will you kill all those you disagree with? Or simply lock them away? Perhaps the newest tool of capital, that of the analyst, shall be turned to your own use?

How can you dress up your crusade as anarchist? All I see is a Christian.


APA wrote


Woe is I! How much thou doth protest mine pedophilia like wretched houndes yowling at waxing moons in longing wait for supper!

And scene.


Passive_Nihlist OP wrote

Your words are empty. You weaponize them to try and silence those you disagree with. I acknowledge my words are just as harsh, but I do not leave them empty. You do not respond to what I say. You are immune to any critique, and isolated your thoughts to keep them pure. To share them, to answer my questions, would open you to scrutiny.


APA wrote

Refusing to feed your troll nature by engaging in discourse with you will not happen. We do not dialog with enemies of anarchy, you pedophile scum, we smash them.


Passive_Nihlist OP wrote

How do you smash these enemies of anarchy? With the state? Or just the cop in your head?

Who determines who these enemies of anarchy are? How does one know if their heart is pure enough to enter the kingdom, I mean anarchy of god?


APA wrote

We realize it may be hard for you to understand what smashing the state and authoritarians is since the only thing you like to smash is underage children.

To answer your other question: anarchists. Anarchists determine who the enemies of anarchy are, you scumfuck, authoritarian pedophile.


Passive_Nihlist OP wrote

I think it is funny you bring this punitive attitude to me, when many other leftist priests would be quick to condemn you for how often you misgender people. They'll hang you with your own rope.


APA wrote

Signaling out to leftists to rush to your defense by pretending to not be making a mockery of gender is not the sign of a nihilist or a gender nihilist. It's the sign of a desperate scumfuck in panic mode.


Passive_Nihlist OP wrote

I don't pretend, I shit on the leftists alter of gender, just as much as your alter of justice. Im just warning you that you will be the target of their moral crusade just as you have made me the target of yours.


APA wrote

LMAO. If only you cared this much about the wellbeing of the children your pedophilia advocates for abusing.


Passive_Nihlist OP wrote

Your other cruel words and accusations I can brush off, but this is deeply insulting. I was abused as a child because of many of these instituions detailed in this piece (and others not mentioned), that is why I shared it, because youth liberation is am important topic to me, not in the abstract, but in my lived experiences.

If you want to lump yourself in with them go ahead, you have already lumped yourself in with the priests and the cops. What is a teach if not the mixture if both? A parent but a prison guard who never goes home.

Eat shit.


APA wrote

Gee! This is exactly A_Zed's story too! What a coincidence!


Passive_Nihlist OP wrote

Perhaps i should get in contact with A_zed, you paint this person as much more respectable then yourself.


APA wrote

What a coincidence that both you and A_Zed disappear at the exact same time from both websites. Hopefully it's tragic news and you've fucked off forever.