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celebratedrecluse wrote

Reply to comment by kin in by !deleted32344

But of they are proposing a improvement, they need to work in more than one front. Their last argument about "weak culture" and victimism is confusing to me.

Modern culture broadcasts an apology of weakness. Like a sacred human right not to show courage and other eminent qualities in a difficult situation, but to break and give in. It is necessary to understand limits of human being’s capabilities and treat one in a humane manner but an apology of weakness is wrong and obviously disastrous.

I think they are right, contemporary cultural hegemony produces both an individualist mindset (useful to and the basis of, neoliberal capitalism) and gives social power to assertion of victimhood (even right wing use this language now). While it is important to give power to victims, it is also important to not give power to victimhood. These are, in fact, two different things, although closely related and difficult to disentwine.