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a_zed_9 OP wrote

Reply to comment by ziq in Anarcho-Lifestyleism by a_zed_9

Could you elaborate in what ways you think my conception of lifestylism is creating a prescriptive program/ideology? Because at least in my mind, and what I take away rereading it is this "It's about living your life as best and as anarchically as you can without laboring fruitlessly to control the wider world outside of your immediate habitat."


ziq wrote

you wrote a manifesto with instructions for turning 'lifestylism' into an ideology. idk how else to break this down


a_zed_9 OP wrote

Yeah I'm guessing I was hoping if you could elaborate on how specifically I've laid out an "ideology". What does that word mean to you? Cause perhaps we are thinking of this word in different ways.


ziq wrote

you identified problems with 'daily life', outlined 'aims' and then identified 'anarcho-lifestylism' as the solution. this is an ideology


a_zed_9 OP wrote

Ah okay this makes sense, thanks for sharing!