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RespectWomen wrote

The solutions that the author proposes are quite naïve. Companies commit crimes frequently, and trying to make them more accountable would be a gamble at best. They can use their money to repair their image, or make their operations more covert.

The obvious solution is to export white men over there and make them mine for everybody instead of capitalists.


CogInTheMachine wrote (edited )

I gotta think of some hardcore-ethical hipster who goes all the way to Congo to harvest with his own hands the stuff needed to make his next iPhone... lol


Defasher OP wrote

Forget big game hunting, this right here is the future of bourgie tourism.


ziq wrote

Lol. And really, if people had to do that in order to possess an iphone, they'd just go without.


Defasher OP wrote (edited )

So are you going over there to mine 7.5 billion phones for everyone on the planet? Can I give you my address so you can mail me mine?


RespectWomen wrote

Hell yeah man. I’ll swim over there, get in those cheap, poorly built mines, eat nothing but dry fruits for lunch, and extract minerals in the nude for twelve hours a day until a fatal accident occurs or I finish getting all the materials that people need for their crappy technology.