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RedEmmaSpeaks wrote

That's something I keep coming back to. Do you really think that the US government would just be like, "Oh go ahead and try out your little experiment," and they wouldn't do everything in its power to sabotage you or find some legal loophole to string you up by? There has yet to be a country that tried to go Socialist or Anarchist that didn't face a massive backlash from Capitalist Nations like the US. They always talk about how Capitalism is the best system because it allows for competition, yet as soon as anything tries to compete with Capitalism, massive hissy fits are thrown.

Also, even if you manage to successfully run your little commune, the effects of Capitalism would still affect you. Poisoned run-off from a factory doesn't care that you protested against it and never shopped there. No matter where we go, we will still feel the effects of capitalism. There is no escaping them.


Green_Mountain_Makhno wrote

I think it has to be done in the US. This is the heart of the empire. Do it in a place that is set up to face the least amount of the negative effects of capitalism and global warming, within or as close to the heart of the empire as possible. Don't seek out publicity or to broadcast what you are doing. If even everyone who commented on this opened up a different anarchist Maroon commune from which to attack the empire, we would be much further along the revolutionary path.