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ziq wrote

I'm seeing cops getting more and more drunk on power. They're pulling people out of their cars and beating on them if their papers aren't in order or if they talk back.

But the worst thing is regular people who are now all calling the cops on anyone that breaks curfew to walk their dog around the block. I fully expected the cops to abuse their new powers, but now everyone is using the power of snitching to smite everyone else.

Unlike most here, I still have freedom of movement during the day because I work in a field that is necessary during the pandemic, but I still get stopped constantly when I'm working and get the third degree from cops. When I'm outdoors, I feel constant stress knowing I'm being watched by people who are calling the cops on me, and regardless of my papers and the necessity of my work, the cops are still going to be pissed off when they're called to investigate me, and if I make a wrong move, they'll have no problem beating the shit out of me. They're already done it to a garbage collector for being 'rude' when he showed them his papers.

It's hard to imagine the state is suddenly going to let go of this power when the plague passes, so I'm concerned, but at the same time, people throwing loud parties in their flats during the pandemic are just asking for trouble.


Pop wrote

-6 on a scale from 0 to 10 where 10 is the most acceptance and 0 is zero acceptance


rot wrote

It's scary. The state is doing what they did to 9/11 with the patriot act with covid-19 and I don't know how to stop it


Majrelende wrote

The only restrictions I know of in my area are on corporations and other institutions, with the exception of a limit on gatherings— some people are even encouraging others to go outside, considering the population density.

To your question, on how much I accept how it is harming people— not at all. On the other hand, restricting business is just authority cutting off one of its own fingers.


existential1 wrote

There havent been any incidents related to the expansion of powers, but it is deeply concerning that they exist. Where I live anyway.


avbeav wrote

This depends highly on which country. A tiny few governments are handling this reasonably.


[deleted] wrote


avbeav wrote

I'm in Denmark. There's a ban on assemblies of >10 people, but political or journalistic activity is exempt. There's quarantine but most people are still getting paid and there's free public healthcare. It could be handled worse.


emma wrote

Similar experience in Norway. We've handled the crisis well without the gestapo threatening and beating people.


LostYonder wrote

It is extremely disturbing what is going on. I happen to be in India where I was doing some work and got "stuck" with all the restrictions. For those of us with connections and money, it isn't horrible. There is a lockdown, but we can move around somewhat freely, at least where I am. But the expansion of police power is always troubling and the victims are predominately the poor and most vulnerable. I am working with people living in one poor/slum area who are all daily wage laborers with no work now for over two weeks. Unbelievable how much they are made to suffer.

The most disturbing part of what is happening here is that they have taken a global pandemic that impacts every country, every ethnicity, every religious community and turned it into a communal issue - blaming Muslims for spreading it and being "irresponsible" citizens. They are policed by both the state and others most vigorously and violently.

These new realities aren't going to go away. There are now sign boards reading Muslims cannot enter certain neighborhoods in many cities...


LeftHack wrote

People are dying by the hundreds while government parties fight each other over whether which of them is cleaner than the other.


Sparkyizm wrote

I’m afraid this is the end of the world as we know it. Things will never be the same. It’s not looking good.


oompaloompa wrote

I think the response has been rather reasonable actually. The police are only doing their jobs to keep the elderly safe from the virus.
