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An_Old_Big_Tree OP wrote

It's funny how Marx comes off like some kind of predatory academic type who just stole a shitload from Proudhon and added authority to it to make his thing.

Haven't read this yet but I did read about this in Springers Why A Radical Geography Must Be Anarchist:

Marx, like Proudhon before him, argued that abolishing interest-bearing capital was destructive of capitalism. Marx, like Proudhon before him, differentiated between possession and private property and argued that cooperatives should replace capitalist firms. Marx, like Proudhon before him, argued that the working classes must emancipate themselves. Marx, like Proudhon before him, regarded property as the subjugation of the labor of others by means of appropriation. Marx, like Proudhon before him, saw the cooperative movement as a necessity of transitioning away from capitalism and thus recognized the need for communal land and workplaces. Marx, like Proudhon before him, proclaimed the need for ‘scientific socialism’. Marx, like Proudhon before him, argued that the state was an instrument ofclass rule, although they differed in terms of whether or not a temporary proletariat dictatorship was necessary to see it properly undone.