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lori wrote

Reply to comment by avbeav in by !deleted20881

Raddle is more of a news aggregator, but the much-lauded Mastodon seems to carry every issue inherent to Twitter aside from the more blatant forms of bigotry for example. I think they're right on this one.


BrowseDuringClass1917 wrote

People forget that the very structure of their daily lives is defined by the dominant ideology of the society in which they live. It is impossible to simply copy the tools of said society in an effort to break with it.

The Soviets ran into this problem headfirst with their misunderstanding of modernity. They tried* to abolish capitalist relations to production without discarding the tools of capitalist production, particularly the assembly line. This mistake maintained the same direct relationship that workers had with the productive forces under capitalism and ultimately led to the massive rift between the ‘worker’s state’ and the actual workers.

*Asterix here because not everybody thinks the USSR even tried to abolish capitalist relations to production.