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elyersio OP wrote

Can it be automated? We can build a phone producing factory, as long as it's transparent and open source. Also, what kind of impact does making silicon have on the environment?


happysmash27 wrote

I've done a lot of research on this, and automation is not the problem; rather, it's the means of production which are absurdly expensive. For this, one needs an absurdly clean space, very good lenses, and a way to make the circuit masks, which I still haven't figured out too well myself. But for your question, automation not only can be done, but is pretty much required for all of the precise movements needed to make both circuits and dense PCBs.

If we could create a decently cheap means of production for this, I believe it would start a hardware revolution, as anyone could make a circuit rather than just big companies. It would be much easier to audit the hardware too…