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celebratedrecluse wrote

An alternative to restaurants and food charities are communal kitchens, where the community can cook for themselves & each other without expectation of contribution or return.

Decommodification of the means of survival is one anarchist answer to the systems of control over food created by capital (restaurants) and the state (non-profits, food banks, etc)

For example, one thing to consider is that in USA, you cannot use food stamps for hot food. Thus, the people who most need food security ensured (houseless, housing insecure/mobile, those who live in substandard housing without kitchen facilities) are the least likely to benefit from the food stamp program. Communal kitchens are a way to solve this issue, without taking away autonomy or agency from people who are otherwise dependent on others to cook their food and must eat whatever is readily available.

It would be a huge boost to public health in USA if people were allowed the opportunity to cook for themselves, rather than simply eat whatever unhealthy or unpalatable options are kicked down to them.


An_Old_Big_Tree wrote

This is a classic, if anybody hasn't read it yet.


[deleted] wrote


An_Old_Big_Tree wrote

No worries. It's a great zine to print to give to coworkers etc. if you work at a restaurant.


ziq OP wrote

I grew up in a restaurant and it was the most miserable place. Haven't been in one since I turned 18.