Submitted by Xesau in Anarcha_Feminism (edited )

Many different people have different definitions of feminism, and it would be interesting to see what you think of it.

Please answer with:

A) Elevating women (et alia) to the same social level as men
B) Making up for the historical mistreatment of women (et alia)
C) Something else

Of course, you can also reply with A and add some nuances. Please don't reply with the alt-right strawman "feminist say all men should die" tyvm.



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Fishmeal wrote

To me, feminism is about ending male supremacy, and to that end, it includes both A and B. I also think that to be truly consistent in its conscientiousness and efficacy, feminism must be anti-racist, anti-capitalist, pro-queer, and trans-inclusive.


ArbitraryHuman wrote

I would strongly agree with A and B, but I feel that B is nearly impossible at this point in time--women have been mistreated for so long and in so many myriads of ways I can't comprehend quite what to do in terms of making up for that other than levelling the social status of men and women and conditioning our behavior to apply to this balance.

In general this topic kinda confuses me, and I'm not too well-read in terms of feminism to boot, so if there is some kind of viable retribution I've missed, please point it out to me.


celebratedrecluse wrote

abolition of masculinity and femininity as cisheteronormative determinist/essentialist constructs, expropriation of gender-colonized terrain to transhumanist revolutionaries, use proud boys for fertilizer, etc


RespectWomen wrote

you guys

Are you sure that you want men’s input on this?


Xesau OP wrote

I'm sorry if I hit the wrong note.

In American popular English, "You guys" is a standard term for refering to a group of people, regardless of gender (identity).

What would you suggest I use then?

Edit: and men can be feminist as well


Faolinbean wrote (edited )

In American popular English, "You guys" is a standard term for refering to a group of people, regardless of gender (identity).

You don't need a degree in feminism to realize that's a problem.

What would you suggest I use then?

You, you all, ya'll, folks, everybody, comrades

is it SO hard to imagine a language that doesn't put men at the epicenter of the world that you literally can't think of any other term to use?


Xesau OP wrote

You don't need a degree in feminism to realize that's a problem.

For a lot of people, it isn't.

Where I live, I frequently hear groups of girls/women to call each other "guys", though interestingly they only do that when talking to each other directly.

is it SO hard to imagine a language that doesn't put men at the epicenter of the world that you literally can't think of any other term to use?

Not at all. But we shouldn't forget that language is a very important part of society that has evolved for many centuries. Language is a reflection of society as a whole, and the fact that for many centuries men had a higher social status can also be observed in language.

The feminist movement has done a lot to elevate women to the same social level as men, and although a lot of work is still to be done, it's achievements cannot be ignored. Languages will evolve to reflect this. Within the foreseeable future, a lot will change.

N.B.: I had already changed the term to "you"


ConfettiEggnog wrote

It's not about women. It's about humans. Than you see that equal rights makes some sense without the emotional crap.

Men should not die. Yet, as humans, they are going to die all. Only god is immortal. At least this is what some say.

Keep in mind the Y is obsolete anyway, so in a few generations it would be pointless to have any males of the specie.
