Submitted by [deleted] in axolotl (edited by a moderator )



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GrimWillow wrote

I've never been sure how "pussy" ever got to mean someone who is afraid or fragile. Pussies are a lot tougher than dicks or balls...

In contrast to your withdrawal induced paranoia story, I was super baked one time and didn't see multiple employees just standing next to me staring at me as I casually put candy bars in my jacket. When I noticed them, and noticed them notice me notice them, I just put them back and awkwardly strolled out as they followed me with their arms crossed not saying anything, lol.


ziq wrote

I love that no one spoke.


GrimWillow wrote

it wasn't exactly LP, and I don't think they would have done anything, so I'm assuming they didn't really want to be involved, but wanted me to know that they can clearly see what I'm doing and they aren't exactly happy with the situation. It's all laughs when you're baked though..